Human resources – no pain, no gain

  Jeffrey has fallen off the wagon again and his hours have become as irregular as the quality of work delivered. Jones hasn’t had electricity at his house for three days and hasn’t been able to cook or bathe, making him moody and neglectful. Thabo’s girlfriend’s parents are demanding 10 cows for damages and lobola, turning a usually upbeat young man into a depressed soul. His work is full of small mistakes he would usually never make. Kekane is moving…

Second chances – the convict and the cabinetmaker

Almost every day someone comes knocking at the factory gate, looking for work. Young men and women, usually in two’s or three’s, walking around Johannesburg’s industrial areas. One-page CVs clutched tightly, usually in an envelope or plastic bag, wandering from factory to factory. Most have little or no discernible skill sets or training. Most struggle to communicate effectively, wringing the life out of whatever finds itself in their hands. Many of them have never been given a chance at steady…

Our best craftsman is also our worst employee

Jeffrey* is our best cabinetmaker. He is also one of our worst employees. The man has a unique set of skills, which makes him a valuable member of the team. Not only does he have decades of experience when it comes to fine furniture manufacture, but he can also carve and operate almost any piece of equipment. More importantly however, he has a sharp mind. You simply point him in the right direction and off he goes. But, with his…